Cultural Preservation and Advancement (CPA)

We work with folk and tribal art communities through capacity-building programs for generating sustainable livelihoods via traditional art practices. We preserve cultural heritage by researching, archiving, documenting, and conducting preservation/restoration efforts on Art, Historical and Heritage objects.

Capacity Building for Traditional Art Practitioners (Artisans)

At B-CAF, our dedication to supporting Patachitra artists in Bankura is evident in our commitment to design and innovation. We achieve this through artist residencies and workshops. Our problem-solving approach in workshops encourages artists to reconnect with their roots, reviving the practice of creating and employing organic colors. Recognizing the growing popularity of traditional art forms in crafting utilitarian products, we collaborate with these artists to elevate the quality of their work. Our goal is to ensure their creations are viewed not as mere folk products but as exemplars of excellence.

Preservation and Conservation of Art, Historical & Cultural Heritage

Our work is a dedicated endeavor in the preservation and restoration of art and cultural objects. We understand the irreplaceable value these artifacts hold as a testament to our shared history and cultural heritage. Our team of skilled conservators and experts meticulously assess, conserve, and restore these precious objects, employing advanced techniques and a deep reverence for tradition. By safeguarding these cultural treasures, we contribute to the continuity of our cultural legacy, ensuring that they continue to inspire and educate present and future generations. Our mission is driven by the belief that each restored piece serves as a bridge connecting us to our rich past, and we are honored to play a part in preserving these invaluable elements of our collective identity.

Click to see our work in Anubhav