April 13th to 30th 2024

At B-CAF Art Gallery

Ecotone marks Kaustabh Chakrabarty’s first solo show at B-CAF

An Ecotone is

A meeting point of two ecosystems,​

Merging, integrating, rich in biodiversity.

Where species of one and the other reside, 

Where land meets water.

Where plains meet mountains, 

Where grasslands meet the forest.

 Within the enchanting realms of “ECOTONE”, Koustabh Chakrabarty’s artistic narrative unfolds like a poetic ode to the harmonious convergence of diverse ecosystems. He captures the essence of this ecotone, not merely as a type of ecosystem but instead each artwork resonates with a deep-rooted connection to the land, the community and the timeless rhythms of nature. 

 These works denote the reflective work of the Jaladarsha collective which highlights and brings back into discourse the important aspects of nature and culture.His works transcend the boundaries of visual art, becoming conduits for introspection and contemplation. They remind us of the delicate balance we must strike between progress and preservation, innovation and conservation. In this exhibition, the ecotone becomes a metaphorical bridge, connecting us to our roots, our heritage and the enduring beauty of the natural world.